Business & Presentations
Business and Presentations - Volume 1 (1995)(Sideface)(NL).iso
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Thanks for using my Russian Tutoring program. I wrote this program
because I'd been away from Russian for awhile (I'd had two semesters
in college) and needed to refresh my memory, which leads me to my
disclaimer about there probably are mistakes, so please note any and
send me a reminder.
First and foremost, I wish to dedicate this program to my
Russian instructor at Morehead State University in Morehead, KY,
Dr. Matt Pryor who is perhaps the most wonderful teacher I've
ever had the pleasure of studying under. He is truly a <sim-puh-TEECH-nee
Obviously, this is only a very beginner program. It teaches (hopefully)
the alphabet, numbers, some verbs, some greetings, and some info
about how to address someone by their name.
To run the program, type MAINMENU at the C: prompt. This in turn will
display a menu of the individual choices. Note that it is possible to
run these individual programs from DOS since they are all EXE files,
but each of the programs returns to the MAINMENU program, so you'll end
up in the menu anyway. In other words, use the MAINMENU method to start
the program.
The individual files are:
ALPHABET.EXE Learn the Cyrillic Alphabet
NUMBERS.EXE Learn some numbers
GREETING.EXE Say hi and bye to someone in Russian
WHATISIT.EXE Learn about Russian objects
NAMES.EXE A list of male and female names
VERBS.EXE Sixty verbs in the past, present, and future tense
The series also consists of some auxilliary programs. These are:
RUSS.CHR The BGI Russian font (created by me)
LITT.CHR A little font from Borland
TRIP.CHR Another Borland font
OBJT.CHR Some simple monochrome graphics for the objects file
Finally, there is a text file which contains the verbs for the
verb program, as well as a backup copy of the verbs list. DON'T try to
modify the verb list, because the source code needs to be modified
too, to be able to add additional verbs. Of course, if you register,
I'll send you ALL source code...
The final file (besides this documentation file) is the Borland Graphics
EGAVGA driver.
All files listed above must be in the same directory (preferably on a
hard drive, but it will work SLOWLY on a floppy drive).
To make the best of this program, you should by all means study the alphabet
program until it becomes second nature. You should use pencil and paper and
copy every letter you see, the sound it makes, and its name. The rest of the
programs depend on you being able to identify characters of the Cyrillic
alphabet, so this is an important step.
Good luck on your Russian and please register. A lot of hard work went
into these programs (I'm working on the upgrades, now), and I would
like to feel the programs are of some value to someone, somewhere.
Bal-SHOW-ya spuh-SEE-buh!!!
John Selvia